"He must increase, but I must decrease."

Monday, December 20, 2010

Homemade Christmas

What a lovely week away from the computer it has been!  I feel so refreshed; I did not even want to get back on the computer.  The only problem about not being on the computer was the fact that I cannot check my email and that is how I communicate with the majority of my family (I despise talking on the phone).  Since finishing my classes I have received my grades and…I passed!  Hurrah!!  No more classes!  I am done!  Of course, as many of my friends have pointed out, God may have other plans and I may just end up taking more classes, but for now I can relax.

As for Christmas, this is one of my favourite holidays.  First because of what it is and what it means and second because of the hustle and bustle and warmth that comes with it.  I do ask for your prayers as I have had three deaths in my family this year and Christmas will be hard for them.  Pray that they will receive God’s love and comfort and come to know Him.

So far I have been quite busy since I finished finals.  Because of the economy and Papa being out of work, Mama told us this year we had to give something that was homemade or used.  I have been very busy working on my gifts.  I knew immediately what I wanted to give Mama (which I would post, but she reads this so that would ruin the surprise).  My brother and Papa were a different story.  It took me a few weeks to  decide on ‘Edwin’ (temporary pseudonym for my brother until I can ask which character he would like to be known as) but I finally chose to make him a countdown to Christmas calendar.  I am pretty sure he will be happy to have one of his own.  As for Papa, I still have not decided I think it will just have to be a scarf I made for Edwin- he said it was itchy when I asked if he wanted one (he thought it was for Papa).  That leaves two other people, my dad and step-mom.  I have a candle (decorative not one you would want to burn) my aunt gave me that I will be regifting to Lady C and as for Daddy I haven’t the faintest.  In the past Lady C has given me ideas on what to get him but now…this is only the second Christmas since the divorce.  Traditionally, I get him a wallet every other year but I cannot remember what I got him last year.  Oh dear, what to do; what to do!  Any ideas would be lovely.  That is my homemade Christmas.  It is nice to give someone something you have been working on just for them.  And as I write this, it reminds me of Christmases gone by, even that first Christmas.  Now, I know Christmas was not around until the Middle Ages, but if it had been what kind of gifts do you think Mary and Joseph would have given?  Perhaps once they found a house Joseph made a bed for Mary to put the baby Jesus in and Mary would have made Joseph a new tunic.  Somehow it makes the holiday a little more cozy when it is homemade and a little closer to that time when God gave the greatest gift of all, His Son Christ Jesus.jesus-birth

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.                                                                Isaiah 9:6



Merry Christmas!

Through Christ,

Lady Helen

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Colossians 4:6
Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.